The Lutheran High Golf program is ready to “tee-off” its 7th year of Jr. Cougar Golf. This year will include instruction, high school coaches from the boys/girls program, and the option to participate in the St. Charles CYC competitive programs.
Instructional League – $185
- Mondays, March 6 – April 24 (Off March 10)
- Open to boys and girls in 5th – 8th grade
- Individual instruction by Lutheran High students
- Jr. Cougar T-shirt
- Registration Due Friday, Feb. 24, 2023.
Instructional plus Competitive League – $350 ($185 to LHS and $165 to CYC)
- League Registration directly through St. Charles CYC
- Must be enrolled in Instructional League to participate in the CYC League
- Open to boys and girls in 5th – 8th grade
- CYC Golf Polo
- Registration Due Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Contact Kent Summey with any additional questions.