Dr. Jon Bernhardt
636.928.5100 ext. 1002
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.“
Matthew 28:19-20
Welcome and thank you for taking time to learn about Lutheran High and the many wonderful opportunities we offer our students and families.
The mission of Lutheran High School is: Empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Lutheran High School nurtures spiritual, academic, and personal growth, equipping students for lives of Christian service.
For 40 years, Lutheran High has been a leader in providing a rigorous college prep curriculum along with an extensive extracurricular program, all in a Christ-centered environment. These elements, combined with a caring and highly trained faculty and staff, provide for an outstanding educational experience.
Over 98% of Lutheran High graduates continue their education at the college or university level. Our students receive preparation for college-level work that clearly sets them apart from their peers. We believe that strong preparation comes through developing the whole child. This happens through one-to-one relationships, service opportunities, innovative instruction, and extracurricular activities that provide meaningful life lessons. Above all, students will grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and their relationships with one another.
Lutheran High is uniquely equipped to serve those seeking an excellent Christian education. I hope you will take time to learn more about us and allow us to learn about you.
In Christ,
Dr. Jon Bernhardt
LHS Learning Plan 2023 - 2024
4X4 Block Schedule
With the 4×4 Block Schedule, the school year is divided into two semesters, and the school day is divided into four instructional blocks of 80-minute periods. During the first semester, students are enrolled in four courses that meet daily. Courses once taught over the entire school year are now taught in one semester, similar to colleges and universities nationwide. At the end of the first semester, students receive one full credit for each course successfully completed and then enroll in four new courses for the second semester.
A 15-minute Flextime period is built into the school day four days of the week. Students use this time to meet with teachers for extra help, to make up a test or quiz, or for quiet study. They also organize personal study groups, work on collaborative projects, or touch base with instructors for additional instruction in small groups. In addition, PRIME TIME can be used by student organizations for meetings and planning time. Some students elect to carry out small group Bible studies, small service projects, or meet with college representatives.
The 4×4 block schedule provides a number of advantages for students:
- Deeper inquiry into subject matter. Increased contact time in the classroom and student discretionary periods provide further opportunity to ask questions.
- Less stressful schedule. Rather than managing 7 classes at once, the student can focus on four courses at a time.
- More time for reflection and concentration. Student focus is less fragmented by a multitude of study tasks at a time.
- More options for electives and advanced courses both at LHS and local colleges.
- Improved preparation for the ACT. Each student will have completed more overall coursework prior to taking the ACT.
- More time on task and less time used for shifting from class to class throughout the day.
- Preparation for college and life. Focusing on 4 classes each term simulates both a college schedule and work pace.
- Students graduate with 32 credits, well above the 24 credits required by the state of Missouri.
iPad Technology
As a leader in academic excellence, Lutheran High School recognizes that students learn best when they are actively engaged. Our 1 to 1 Technology Program utilizing the iPad helps our teachers to effectively engage 21st century learners.
Students use their iPads to:
track assignments, homework and grades
access the Internet to research information needed for class projects
create online presentations
collaborate with classmates on a group project
compose essays and create projects
use a variety of apps required for certain classes
read electronic books, newspapers and magazines
All students are required to supply their own iPads for their studies at LHS. The specific requirements are outlined below:
Each student will provide his/her own iPad. Other tablets, e-readers, Chromebooks, laptops, etc. are not compatible with the expectations for students.
The most recent generation of iPad Pro, iPad Air, or the iPad, wi-fi only, with at least 64GB of storage should provide new students with the tool needed for all four years of high school. Please consult apple.com/ipad for the most up-to-date information on pricing and options.
Students are strongly encouraged to purchase an iPad case that will fully protect their device. LHS does not recommend specific vendors; however, the following sites are provided for you as suggestions. You can also find cases at local stores such as Walmart, Office Depot, Target and Best Buy. We recommend that you read reviews and research the best solution for you.
All students are required to have an Apple ID. To set up a new account, click here.
All new students will have an orientation to the iPad as part of the New Student Orientation day in August. If the purchase of the iPad presents too large of a financial burden for your family, please contact the school office; we are willing and able to assist you.