Alexis Feldhake
Student Council President
"For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."
Romans 12:4-5
Hi! My name is Alexis Feldhake, and I am currently Lutheran High’s Student Body President. I have been a student at Lutheran High for all four years of high school, and it has been such a privilege to attend a high school where I know I will be growing academically, socially, and spiritually. Lutheran High has opportunities for everybody, whether that be through a leadership position, advanced classes, or athletics.
Over 90% of our current student body is involved in at least one extracurricular activity. We boast over 20 athletic teams here at LHS, and have numerous student-run clubs such as Teens for Life, Key Club, or Student Council. Becoming involved in high school is crucial, and LHS makes it easy to achieve that goal. Through our clubs and teams, we make it a goal to raise up student leaders, and to encourage skills such as leadership, kindness, and communication within our school.
Throughout my four years at LHS, I have been involved in many extracurricular activities, such as Student Council, National Honor Society, Key Club, Student Ambassadors, Pep Club, Small Group leader, Volleyball, Swim, and Track and Field. Joining all of these activities was very beneficial to me, as it allowed me to take on more leadership responsibilities and to make friends more easily. I found that by being connected within LHS, I was setting myself up better for my future life, and I have met many of my best friends through being involved. I have also improved my communication and social skills, and have nurtured my leadership skills by simply taking part in extracurriculars!
Student Council has been one of my favorite opportunities to be involved in at LHS. The council helps organize all sorts of school events, including Homecoming, student Trivia Night, and Spring Fling! Coming into my senior year as student body president, I really wanted to make an impact on Lutheran High. Thanks to the most amazing advisors, Ihave been able to grow the student council into an even more proactive group across campus. Also starting new traditions like Mr. LHS and the Senior vs. teacher volleyball game, and continuing old traditions like trivia night and reading the announcements every Friday. I look forward to interacting with all members of the school, whether that be a student, teacher, or an administrator. If I could give any advice to the next group of students, I would say if you really like decorating and you really want to make an impact around school. Join Student Council, I have made so many friends and built so many skills just by being in this club. I am so thankful for the opportunities that God has blessed me with to lead, and I am so excited to see how this school year finishes!
In addition to serving as team captains or club officers, students may also serve in these official leadership positions:
Student Council consists of both elected and appointed positions that are held by students from all grades. The mission of Student Council is to organize school activities, promote school spirit, and sponsor community service projects. StuCo meets once a month after school and during PrimeTime when needed. Officers are elected each spring for the following school year; freshman elections are held each fall. Students who are not elected to office may still serve on StuCo as a class representative.
Sponsors: Mr. Micah Braddy, Mrs. Marie Branneky
Student Ambassadors are positive, outgoing, friendly individuals whose main responsibility is to assist the Director of Enrollment in welcoming new students. Student Ambassadors give campus tours, lead workshops on Freshman Orientation Day and Future Freshman Day, and facilitate mixer activities to help new students get to know one another. Throughout the year, Student Ambassadors go out of their way to make sure that new students experience a smooth transition to LHS.
Sponsor: Mr. Micah Braddy
Every Tuesday and Thursday, students meet in small groups for devotions, prayer, and small group activities. The Small Group Leaders are students who are comfortable openly sharing their faith by preparing devotions, leading prayer and positively encouraging their peers to grow spiritually through this time together. Small Group Leaders are juniors and seniors who have been chosen to serve as role models by demonstrating excellence in Christian character.
Sponsor: Mr. Brian Scheller
As part of the Practical Arts curriculum, LHS also offers a Leadership class that allows students to explore theories of leadership and build their leadership skills. Students in the class may earn dual credit through Lindenwood University.