Lutheran High School is fully accredited through National Lutheran Schools Accreditation and the Missouri Non-Public School Accreditation Association.
The rigorous program of study at Lutheran High School is designed to provide each student with a quality education in English, math, science, social studies, global studies, and theology. The curriculum also includes a variety of electives to further enhance each student’s learning and to allow students to pursue their individual interests. In a one-to-one, Christ-centered environment, LHS teachers challenge students to think critically, work collaboratively and realize their God-given potential.
The comprehensive academic program at LHS also includes a variety of opportunities for students to challenge themselves even further and experience a variety of learning environments:
- Dual credit course options through Concordia University-Nebraska, Missouri Baptist University, Missouri State University, and Lindenwood University
- Courses at local colleges
- Online courses
- Offsite healthcare, business, and technology programs with the St. Charles County Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS)
- Independent study courses with a faculty member
- Vocational classes through Lewis and Clark Career Center
The English Department enables students to become proficient readers, writers, and speakers as they pursue their life goals using their God-given abilities.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Speak and write using standard English (including grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, capitalization).
- Read and evaluate fiction, poetry, and drama.
- Read and evaluate non-fiction works and material (such as biographies, newspapers, technical manuals).
- Write formally (such as reports, narratives, essays) and informally (such as outlines, notes).
- Comprehend and evaluate content and aesthetic aspects of oral and visual presentations (such as storytelling, debates, lectures, multi-media productions presented in the visual and performing arts).
- Participate in formal and informal presentations and discussions of issues and ideas.
- Identify and evaluate relationships between language and culture.
- Understand the process of information storage and retrieval and the use of technology as a tool in life.
- Develop global awareness and respect for persons of different racial, religious, ethnic values.
- Possess personal, moral, spiritual, and ethical values.
- Apply analytical skills related to both scriptural and world values and appropriate decision making.
- Develop an understanding of communications as an integral element of personal and professional life in the future.
- Develop an attitude of lifelong learning
The Fine Arts Department encourages students to master a variety of techniques in order to refine their God-given artistic talents. Through these talents, students will participate in artistic performances that will edify the community and display service and praise to God.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Conceptualize, organize, and develop artistic ideas and work.
- Utilize a variety of techniques, styles, and processes in order to enhance their artistry.
- Develop the arts as a form of human communication and expression.
- Convey meaning through presentation of artistic work.
- Analyze and assess the characteristics and qualities of their own work and the work of others.
- Refine critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities necessary for understanding and producing art.
- Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
- Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Through the learning and acquisition of a foreign language, students will be able to interpret (read and listen) and produce (write and speak) either German and/or Spanish in preparation for a life of Christian witnessing and service. As a result of the exploration of target cultures, students will also learn to participate as knowledgeable members of a global society.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
- Understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
- Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
- Reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through foreign language.
- Acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
- Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- Demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
- Use the target language within and beyond the school setting.
- Show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the target language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Apply addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers and order of operations to numbers (from all sets, from natural to complex) and algebraic expressions.
- Use mathematical (Algebraic, Geometric, Periodic, Statistical) methods to model (Numerically, Algebraically, and Graphically) real world situations and find solutions to stated problems.
- Generate graphs of various function types from equations and tables, perform transformations, and recognize them from graphs, equations and tables.
- Solve problems involving equations from simple linear comparisons through exponentials and logarithms.
- Use logical thinking to follow and construct mathematical proofs using accepted facts, processes, and techniques of argument rather than just providing examples.
- Provide descriptive statistics from data and use them along with probability to make appropriate deductions and inferences from them.
The Practical Arts Department equips students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will benefit their personal and professional lives and enable them to be positive Christian witnesses in the workplace.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Make informed decisions related to managing finances and budgeting, saving and investing, earning and reporting income, using credit and banking services, and protecting against risk.
- Conduct a career search and identify career pathways.
- Communicate effectively as a writer, listener and speaker in business settings.
- Demonstrate interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills necessary to function in diverse business settings.
- Understand the economic principles of an increasingly diverse marketplace and the processes by which businesses operate.
- Effectively use technology for finding, analyzing, and processing information.
- Identify and model positive ethical behaviors.
- Apply critical thinking skills to effectively make decisions and solve problems.
In order to develop productive and responsible servants to Christ and community, the Science Department seeks to empower students to discover and understand the logical, unifying concepts that permeate the tremendous diversity of God’s creation.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Identify and produce elements of experimental design.
- Conduct experiments using acceptable lab practices.
- Interpret data from a variety of presentation formats and communicate results.
- Demonstrate an understanding of matter and chemical interactions.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the behavior of matter at the nuclear level.
- Demonstrate an understanding of forces in the natural world.
- Apply the principles of energy to real world situations.
- Demonstrate an understanding of cellular biology.
- Demonstrate an understanding of ecology.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human biology.
- Be scientifically literate members of society.
- Demonstrate an understanding of God’s intelligent design of nature.
The Social Science Department equips young people to become active Christian citizens ready to meet the challenges of participating in a democratic society within the global community.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Develop and articulate an understanding of the history of man.
- Understand and appreciate man’s relation to his contemporary environment.
- Study and develop respect for people in the family, community, nation, and world.
- Understand governmental and economic systems.
- Understand the basis and interconnection of historical and contemporary social, political and ethnic problems.
- Articulate and draw conclusions based on stated values.
- Make decisions based on reasoned research of reliable and valid information.
- Engage in the appropriate use of technology.
- Participate in active research.
- Complete assignments using formal composition.
- Construct and present formal presentations of original material.
- Engage in argumentation and discussion.
Trusting God’s promise that His word will not return to Him empty, but will accomplish what He desires, the Theology Department teaches the word of God to its students in a Christ-centered, thorough, and relevant way, that they might believe it and be transformed by it.
Above all things academic, especially the materials which are subject to evaluation, all students will hear the Word of God and by the work of the Holy Spirit believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ and be transformed to live sanctified lives.
Upon graduation from Lutheran High School, students will be able to:
- Know facts sufficient for study and application of Biblical truth.
- Engage in the task of Biblical interpretation, which contributes to the establishment of a Christian worldview.
- Communicate Biblical truth in various ways, as is necessary to communicate in the midst of various conflicting world views.